Blue Knot Foundation Award
11:00 AM11:00

Blue Knot Foundation Award

Congratulations, Shari Kocher, winner of the Blue Knot Foundation Award for the poem ‘Signs’.

From Shari:

Many thanks to the Blue Knot Foundation for sponsoring this award. All supporters of poets and poetry right now, of feeling deeply and of writing finely, are of inestimable value to the futures of us all, and the world we are responsible for creating together. Very grateful for this unexpected prize, and those who dedicate time and effort each year to put together an inclusive anthology that celebrates what it is to be human, and to heal, as much as to witness the contours and particularities of suffering. Thankyou Blue Knot Foundation for the work you do.

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Kate van der Drift’s latest exhibition, Sweet and Sour
to May 16

Kate van der Drift’s latest exhibition, Sweet and Sour

  • Sanderson Contemporary Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Book cover art by Kate van der Drift for Foxstruck and Other Collisions, which is showcased.

Excerpt from ArtNow:

Currently, Sweet and Sour sees the artist capture the physical makeup of the land and water burying unexposed film negatives into the Piako River for a period of four weeks. Over this time, the algae, bacteria, pollution and sediment in the water reacted with the film, producing clouds of vivid alchemical reactions. The end result is a camera-less image; abstract and expansive, brilliantly coloured photographs emulating celestial bodies and the beyond.

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Book Launch at the Lass O'Gowrie
5:00 PM17:00

Book Launch at the Lass O'Gowrie

Puncher & Wattman

Launching Foxstruck and Other Collisions in Newcastle, 28 November, with a total of five authors: Ed Wright, Chris Brown, Ivy Ireland, Kerry Shying and Shari Kocher.

Details to be confirmed. Register your interest by sending you details to Shari to keep you informed of the final details closer to the date.

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