

Essays & Criticism



Collaborative Ekphrastic Project on ‘Word Made Flesh’ by the artist Paul Yore at the Australian Centre for the Contemporary Arts

Writing in the Expanded Field: Touching, Feeling, Writing


Break / The silent life-giver of worlds

Westerly, 64:2, 2019, 126-128.



Matri-Liminal Bodies: Oceanic Empathy in Dorothy Porter’s Crete via Anne Carson’s ‘The Anthropology of Water

Inhabitation: Creative Writing with Critical Theory. Ed. Dominique Hecq and Julian Novitz. Gylphi.: Great Britain, 2018. 233 – 253.



Dorothy Porter’s Akhenaten: where verse novel meets verse biography via the polyphonic poetic mask

Truth and Beauty: Verse Biography in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Ed. Anna Jackson, Helen Rickerby and Angelina Sbroma. Victoria University Press. 2016. 95-119.



Minding the Mountain: Special Guest Interview with Dr. Constanza Ceruti

Creative Writing Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, Wed 18 Feb, 2015.



Flying into the eye of the volcano: Dickinson’s volcano imagery in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red

University of Melbourne, Australia.

The Beautiful Truths of Biographical Verse: Palimpsestic Masks and Paper Bodies in Dorothy Porter’s Akhenaten 

Truth or Beauty: Poetry and Biography, Hosted by Victoria University, Wellington, 2014.

Fire and Ice: the world conceived as subject

Paper given at the 5th Biennial International Conference of the CWWA: Contemporary Women’s Writing and Environments, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, 3-5 July, 2014.

Sonqoqui: Excavating Mt. Llullaillaco via a metaphor of weaving

Creative Manoeuvres: Making, Saying, Being. Ed. Shane Strange, Paul Hetherington and Jen Webb. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014. 53-67.



Dadirri' and white affect: towards a poetics of listening

New Scholar: An International Journal of the Humanities, Creative Arts and Social Sciences. Volume 2 Number 1, 2013. The University of Melbourne, Australia.

Palimpsests and Paper Bodies: towards a poetics of revolt in Anne Carson’s ‘The Glass Essay’ and Dorothy Porter’s Akhenaten.

TRAFFIC, No. 13. 3-29. 2013.

Sonqoqui: Excavating Mt. Llullaillaco

Paper given at the 18th Annual Conference of Australasian Association of Writing Programs: Creative Manoeuvres, University of Canberra, 2013.



Palimpsests in Anne Carson’s “The Glass Essay”

Paper given at the Faculty of Arts Work in Progress Day, Melbourne University, June 2011.



To show with love much that cannot be spoken of’: Reflections on Gwen Harwood’s Collected Poems: 1943-1995

The New England Review. No.18. 2003. 18-19.





Short Story ‘Beautiful, Beautiful’

Overland Magazine

posted 5 November 2022



Meditation on Time after the Death of My Father

Time: an Anthology of Microlit, Ed. Cassandra Atherton, Spineless Wonders, 2018.



Drowning, Not Waving

The New England Writer’s Centre Anthology, ed. Susan McMichael, 2003. 12. (also published in The New England Review, 2003).





PhD (Melbourne University)

Subjective Renewals: Tropes of the Archaeological Body in the verse novels of Anne Carson and Dorothy Porter & Sonqoqui: a Verse Novel

Melbourne University Library & Visual Communications Library, John Medley Building, Reading Room, University of Melbourne.